Event date
- Substance Use Disorders in Alabama (SUDA)
- On-Demand
- 1.20 ABN
- 1.00 ABSWE
- 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
This presentation will provide an overview of the history, regulation and marketing of e-cigs, as well as the potential health and safety risks. It will also include counseling points for providers.
- Substance Use Disorders in Alabama (SUDA)
- On-Demand
- 1.20 ABN
- 1.00 ABSWE
- 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
This presentation will discuss prevalence, impact and treatment of tobacco use disorder. FDA-Approved medications for smoking cessation will be reviewed, including counseling points and access limitations.
- Substance Use Disorders in Alabama (SUDA)
- On-Demand
- 1.20 ABN
- 1.00 ABSWE
- 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
This presentation will provide information about prescription stimulant misuse. Current statistics of misuse will be presented. Vulnerable populations and rationale for misuse will be discussed. Signs and symptoms of misuse and abuse will be presented along with how to manage patients presenting with toxic effects of prescription stimulants.
- ALAHOPE Substance Use
- 0.30 ABN
- 0.25 ABSWE
- 0.25 ACPE Pharmacy
- 0.25 ACPE Technician
- 0.25 ABO
- 0.25 ABP
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.25 Attendance
- 0.25 BDEA
An interactive, online training session regarding the importance of taking a multidisciplinary, patient centered approach to substance use disorder treatment.
- ALAHOPE Substance Use
- 0.30 ABN
- 0.25 ABSWE
- 0.25 ACPE Pharmacy
- 0.25 ACPE Technician
- 0.25 ABO
- 0.25 ABP
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.25 Attendance
- 0.25 BDEA
An interactive, online training session regarding harm reduction techniques around opioid use and related polydrug use.
- ALAHOPE Substance Use
- 0.30 ABN
- 0.25 ABSWE
- 0.25 ACPE Pharmacy
- 0.25 ACPE Technician
- 0.25 ABO
- 0.25 ABP
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.25 Attendance
- 0.25 BDEA
An interactive, online training session regarding stigma issues and appropriate language around substance use disorder.
- ALAHOPE Substance Use
- 0.30 ABN
- 0.25 ABSWE
- 0.25 ACPE Pharmacy
- 0.25 ACPE Technician
- 0.25 ABO
- 0.25 ABP
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.25 Attendance
- 0.25 BDEA
An interactive, online training session regarding antidotes for responding to an overdose.
- ALAHOPE Substance Use
- 0.30 ABN
- 0.25 ABSWE
- 0.25 ACPE Pharmacy
- 0.25 ACPE Technician
- 0.25 ABO
- 0.25 ABP
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.25 Attendance
- 0.25 BDEA
An interactive, online training session regarding the history, current state, and impact of substance use in the U.S. particularly focusing on opioid use and related polydrug use.
- ALAHOPE Substance Use
- 0.30 ABN
- 0.25 ABSWE
- 0.25 ACPE Pharmacy
- 0.25 ACPE Technician
- 0.25 ABO
- 0.25 ABP
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.25 Attendance
- 0.25 BDEA
An interactive, online training session regarding the neurology and neurobiology components of substance use disorder along with explaining the similarities between substance use disorder and chronic disease.
- ALAHOPE Substance Use
- 0.30 ABN
- 0.25 ABSWE
- 0.25 ACPE Pharmacy
- 0.25 ACPE Technician
- 0.25 ABO
- 0.25 ABP
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.25 Attendance
- 0.25 BDEA
An interactive, online training session regarding overdose risk factors, signs, and response around opioids and related drugs.